What Is the Importance of Feedback in Communication

Read this article to learn about Feedback. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Feedback 2. Importance of Feedback 3. Process of Feedback 4. Types of Feedback 5. Requirements of Effective Feedback.

Meaning of Feedback:

In the case of inter-personal communication, only sending of message by the sender to the receiver is not enough.

He/She must be eager to know the reaction or to get return information.

The message sent by the receiver back to the source is called feedback. It is the response by the recipient.

Importance of Feedback:

Feedback is essential in communication.

Actually, communication is a two-way process:

(i) Sending the message, and

(ii) Receiving the response or feedback.

The sender is interested to know the reaction of the recipient. He/She is also willing to know whether the recipient has understood the message in the same sense as intended. If there is any lapse in it, further negotiation or communication is necessary.

On the other hand, the recipient might have understood the meaning and intention of the message, but, due to barrier of some kind, say, language barrier, he/she could not convey his/her reactions properly. In such case also actual picture is to be brought to light by removing the barriers.

In face to face communication feedback is no problem, because the speaker and the listener both are present and can ask and clarify the message instantly if there is any ambiguity. One can ask the other to repeat what has been missed. They can also observe the- gestures and facial expression in oral communication. But in the case of written communication the feedback is not instant. It requires some time.

Whatever may be the mode or channel (i.e., verbal, non-verbal or written), feedback is very important. It is the key which unlocks the success of communication. The objective of communication is bound to remain unfulfilled unless the process of communication is complete with feedback. It is an inseparable part of successful communication.

Process of Feedback:

The process or technique of feedback should include the following steps:

1. Listening and understanding the message properly.

2. Asking question if the message is not understood properly and get it clarified.

3. Understanding the message in the sense originally intended.

4. Conveying the reaction to the sender of the message.

Types of Feedback:

Feedback may be positive or negative. Positive feedback is the kind of feedback which is more or less acceptable or satisfactory to the sender. It means that the recipient of the message has responded in the way intended by the sender and taken the intended course of action. It signifies that everything is on the right track and no corrective measure regarding communication is necessary.

On the other hand, if the recipient does not understand what the sender wants to convey, the feedback must be poor and further communication becomes necessary to wipe out the misunderstanding. Thus, negative feedback suggests that the communication has not been effective and some correction, adjustment or re-assessment is required in the process.

Requirements of Effective Feedback:

Effective feedback needs to be:

1. Clear,

2. Well-timed,

3. Specific,

4. Bearing Right Attitude,

5. Truly Representative,

6. Impersonal, and

7. Informative.

Requirements of Effective Feedback

These points are discussed in brief in the following paragraphs:

1. Clear:

Effective feedback is possible if the recipient understands the message communicated to him/her properly.

It should be clear in two respects:

(i) The sender of the message can understand that the feedback is related to the message sent; and

(ii) The meaning of the feedback should be clear.

The sender of the feedback should take care about it and ensure proper understanding of the feedback by the receiver. Use of simple language for communication is highly necessary.

2. Well-timed:

Feedback may not be instant. It may require some time to get feedback. But much delayed feedback may not be worthwhile or even may not serve any purpose at all. It should be made within a reasonable time.

3. Specific:

In general, feedback, to be effective, should be particular or specific. A generalized response or an ambiguous reply is of little value. To a specific question, specific answer should be given. Sometimes general impression of a large section of people is necessary as feedback. In that case, the communication should be designed in such a way that the people are encouraged to give their general impression.

4. Bearing Right Attitude:

'I' attitude should be replaced by 'We' or 'You' attitude to get the co-operation of the person with whom communication is being made. If the sender thinks that he/she is superior to the recipient in every respect, it will be reflected in the message and the recipient will feel embarrassed in giving a feedback. Therefore, such attitude should be avoided.

The recipient should also avoid the fault-finding attitude with the sender. If much of the time is spent in finding fault with the subject-matter, presentation skill and similar matters related to the message, the feedback process is sure to suffer. Therefore, both undermining attitude of the sender and fault-finding attitude of the receiver should be avoided to make the feedback effective.

5. Truly Representative:

Feedback may be positive or negative. One should not hesitate to convey negative feedback. Actual, true and honest reaction should be communicated. We should not hesitate to convey our disagreement. We should also clearly state if we fail to understand the message.

6. Impersonal:

Feedback, to be effective, should be free from personal reactions. Let us suppose, Mr. X is depressed due to some personal problems in his life. This state of mind should not be reflected in the feedback process of the official work or business communication. Similarly, any personal rivalry or conflict should not have any influence on official feedback.

7. Informative:

The sender of a message expects from the receiver some information in the form of feedback which the sender does not already know. Therefore, feedback, to be effective, should be informative.

What Is the Importance of Feedback in Communication

Source: https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/business-communication/feedback-meaning-importance-process-and-types-business-communication/70117

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