How to Keep a Smile on Your Face
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Required to smile all day for your job? Or maybe you just want to come across as the sort of person who smiles all the time, through thick and thin, in spite of the weather and the moods around you. Smiling all day isn't the easiest of tasks to set yourself but it could be useful and even better, it could be fun.
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Consider the benefits of smiling all day. Smiling often can have various benefits, including:[1]
- Seeming friendly, cheerful and happy to many people.
- Smiling will cause you to feel happy merely as a result of smiling.[2]
- It's required by your workplace, so you get kudos for your job skills.
- It can help people warm to you and feel that they can reach out and connect.
- It can ease tension.
- You'll always be photo-ready.
- You'll improve your appearance.
Think happy thoughts as often as possible. If this is a complete change of mindset for you, then smiling all day might not be the ideal task to set yourself. On the other hand, if you're naturally a happy-go-lucky person, then smiling all day might be just what you're capable of doing.[3]
- Think about someone you love and care about.
- Think about happy events in your life, past or upcoming.
- Think about your pets.
- Think about something exciting you're looking forward to.
- Think about the smiles turning into a healthy bank balance if it's work-related.
Carry a "remember to smile" talisman. Take it with you everywhere and have it somewhere obvious, to remind you to smile. It might be a smiling toy on the end of a key-ring or USB stick, it might be a picture in your purse or it might be a badge that says "Please ask me to smile". Choose your own lucky smile talisman.
- Draw a smiley face on the back of your hand or get a watchband with a smiley face on it. These can be great reminders to smile.
- Another approach is a word trigger. Whenever you hear polite words, such as please, thank you, you're welcome or happy to help, use these as smile triggers.
Keep a mirror near you. This can be especially useful if you have to smile for work reasons, such as retail, meet-and-greet, playing a character, etc. The mirror can allow you to check your demeanor often, readjust clothing and remind you to put that smile back in place. A mirror hanging on a pillar or wall can be a good way to keep check.
- Turn frowns into smile triggers. Contrary to unrealistic advice to avoid negative people, use their negative energy as a smile trigger. Make it into a game––the more negative they are, the more positive and smiley you behave.
Ensure that you're not embarrassed about smiling. Clean your teeth regularly and have any dental work that needs doing done. Be proud of your smile.
Take breaks. When you need to relax your face, head to somewhere quiet and stop smiling for a while, and assume a neutral facial position. This might be the bathroom, a backroom, a garden, etc., any space to give you some privacy and some unsmiling time.
- When you sleep, you won't smile; take a nap and people won't be checking for smiles.
Listen to upbeat music. If it's possible, have positive vibe music playing away in the background or in your music player, while you spend the day. This can help you to maintain a positive momentum that encourages constant smiling.[4]
Keep it up. Smiling all day is a habit, so it can be achieved with will and practice. The more you try it, the more it becomes second nature and people who observe you will perceive it as being perfectly natural.[5]
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Hang around with friends who smile a lot. You'll reflect each others' smiles all the time.
If you aren't someone who already smiles a lot, you may find that your muscles tire on smiling more often. Let them relax, then smile again, increasing the amount of smile time gradually until the muscles get used to more smiling.
Maintain a smile notebook. Write down all the wonderful triggers that caused you to smile each day. Writing down the smile moments will reinforce the value of smiling all day for you.
Ask your workplace for advice on constant smiling for your role. They are bound to have a wealth of experience to pass on about keeping the smile on your face despite customer difficulties.
Consider smiling all day and resting the face all night. Or not. Totally up to you!
Smiling in the face of an angry person can escalate anger. Use common sense and adjust your demeanor to match the need for keeping a person calm.
Smiling all of the time may be inappropriate, such as at funerals or when the boss is getting bawled out by his or her head boss. You may come across as being unfeeling, secretly enjoying bad things happening or seeming superior.
Smiling constantly is hard work.
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How to Keep a Smile on Your Face
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