How to Use Wired Selfie Stick for Android

How to Use Wired Selfie Stick for Android

Can you love to take pictures of yourself? Would you ever want to spread your arms out further so that you could clasp your mates together in one at once? It is almost certainly the selfie stick-ability extension's to enable our greatest wish to be fulfilled.

Sticking a monopod makes taking self-portraits simple. This makes self-portraits virtually painless. Since no one is distracted by getting caught off-center or cut. In this article, we will guide you on how to connect a Bluetooth selfie stick to android.

While selfie stick monopods appear to be quite simple on the surface. They can be quite complicated to pair with devices and capture dream-like selfies.

How to Connect Bluetooth Selfie Stick to Android

Take note that the market offers a variety of different types of selfie stick monopods. Certain models operate without the use of Bluetooth. They are pre-wired from the factory.

Bluetooth selfie sticks are more popular and are thus booming in the global market, particularly among youth. By pairing your Android device and the Bluetooth selfie stick, you can go wireless and capture your moment.

The art of taking good selfies is done with good (complicated) by good (expert) hands. Nevertheless, if you know how to take selfie stick-assisted shots, you will undoubtedly be amazed at what you can capture with tomorrow's technology.

How To Connect Bluetooth Selfie Stick To Your Android phone?

To conclude, we will answer some of the frequently asked questions about selfies on Android devices and mobile phones together. There is no more waiting for us to be done. Let's proceed.

Step 1: Charge Your Monopod Selfie Stick

1.1 If you've just purchased a new Bluetooth selfie stick, be sure to treat it gently. Be careful not to add any stress to the plunger, or handle. To flip the selfie stick on its long edge (as indicated) and lift it from the opening (little by little).

1.2 When you get the micro USB cable, the selfie monopod comes in a box with the stick attached to the device. You will have to plug the USB cord into your self-timer to recharge the stick battery.

1.3 Plug one end of the USB cable into the portable device and the other into the wall, or the device's charger.

1.4 Your phone can take one to two hours to completely charge and be ready to use the selfie stick. The charging time, however, is dependent on the strength of the stick and differs among models.

1.5 Charge the selfie stick before you take the first image.

Step 2: Connect Your Android Phone With The Bluetooth Selfie Stick

2.1 Slide the control switch to "On" from the bottom of the selfie handle. This role, however, can differ significantly between models.

2.2 When you turn on your Bluetooth Selfie Stick, a blue light will indicate that it has been activated. The blue LED light on some Bluetooth selfie sticks may continue to blink until the device is connected to an Android device.

2.3 If the Bluetooth Selfie Stick is in pairing mode, the blue LED light flashes again and again. Go to your device's Bluetooth option to combine the selfie stick with your device.

2.4 Tap "Search for new device" if you are attempting to connect the device to the stick for the first time. Tap the name to pair with your phone when you get your name on the list of found devices.

2.5 You need not pair it again if you have earlier paired and connected the selfie stick to your Android device. Just click the selfie name on the list of devices you have found. However, make sure your device's Bluetooth and the Bluetooth selfie stick connection are activated.

2.6 You can capture photos and videos when you select the device from the list of devices found properly.

How do you connect your phone to a selfie stick? Well, it seems quite straightforward, right?

Step 3: Attach Your Mobile Phone To The Selfie Stick

3.3 Make sure you handle your device with great care. So it doesn't get damaged when you insert it into the selfie stick. If you apply excessive force, the device may damage or break the holder.

3.4 When you have inserted the device into the holder, loosen the grip on the brackets and let go. Verify that your mobile device is sufficiently tight and stable. If it is too loose, it will fall off the selfie stick. On the other hand, if it is incredibly tight, you can have difficulty removing it from the holder when you try to reclaim your handset.

3.5 It's a good idea to have your smartphone with you when you purchase your Bluetooth selfie stick so that you can determine if the selfie stick's device holder can match your phone comfortably. If it is extremely loose or too tight, consider purchasing one that suits your system perfectly. By the way, thankfully, the majority of selfie stick device holders feature an extendable capacity.

Step 4: Keep The Selfie Stick At The Specified Lengths

Never let go of the selfie stick with one hand; hold one hand down at the bottom to steady the self-timer and keep the other at the top for a picture. To straighten or extend the selfie stick as required, just pull from the top or bottom.

Most selfie sticks have a length of between 6-12 inches, but the ones on the market stretch further. the standard screen-size range of 40 inches and up may be increased up to [to 40 inches] We want to maintain a long and skinny selfie stick here, so choose the one that provides the length you'd like to expand.

Step 5: Take Incredible Selfies

Selfie photo
Taking Selfie

The photograph that you have envisioned is now becoming a reality. All you need to do is set up your Bluetooth selfie stick for the perfect snap. You will save the pictures and videos you've got on your Android device to your smartphone.

Some Common Problem You May Face

Device Connection Problem With Selfie Stick:

You may not be able to attach your Android device to the selfie stick if you have done any of the following: Here are some reasons why you might not be able to link your computer through Bluetooth to your phone or camera, and what you should do if you are:

1. It appears that the Bluetooth of the device or camera has been turned off. If your Bluetooth system is not working, you cannot attach the selfie stick. Make sure both ends are clean. If you have any additional problems, please call your nearest repair shop.

2. The Bluetooth of the phone or stick is disabled. Regardless of how hard you try, you will not be able to link your smartphone to the selfie stick if the Bluetooth is not enabled. If you've got the latter, go ahead and use the phone's Bluetooth; if you've got the former, use the selfie stick.

 3. The system versions and selfies are not fully compatible with Bluetooth. Check to see if the Bluetooth version of the selfie stick supports the device.

4. You are not blurring yourself. If the LED indicator on your selfie stick is blinking, then you are ready to attach it to your phone. To use a selfie stick, you must first enable it by pressing the mode button, and then attach it to a new device by pressing the connect button. Make sure your selfie light can blink and be paired with the camera to make a better picture.

5. You have used your selfie stick with another device attached to it. If your Bluetooth headset is already attached, you can't add another one to the selfie stick. To double-check the state of your selfie stick, plug it into another unit.

Why doesn't my Bluetooth stick work?

If your selfie stick is from a low-quality manufacturer, it could break down when you need the stick the most. There are other occasions when it can fail to connect due to a weak or broken Bluetooth link.

Additionally, the monopod battery has no charge. Another possible explanation for this dilemma is that the equipment is broken. You could end up with this issue if you buy low-quality goods at a low price. A good Android-compatible selfie stick is well worth its weight in gold, so invest in a little time and money and get something reliable that will last.

How can I use my selfie stick without Bluetooth?

A Bluetooth selfie stick does not come standard on most of these devices. You would then have to insert the wire in the jack of the unit. If your Bluetooth selfie stick no longer works, use the delayed automatic timer to capture your photos and videos.

How can I connect my monopod stick to an Android device or Smartphone?

Regardless of which Android-powered phone you use, you can attach and pair it with any other Android smartphone. That's great news. Because all you need to do is attach a selfie stick. Then attach to the phone according to these instructions. And you have done your work.

Are you getting blurry selfies? Is your camera lens dirty? Are you outside? You want to clean your camera lens want to get better selfies. Now you want to know how to clean a phone camera lens?


If you've managed to attach your Bluetooth device to the phone, then how do you connect the stick? The response is "Yes. I've figured it out". We hope that our guide to pairing your Bluetooth stick with Android will be of use to you and let you use all the available modes of the stick freely.


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